AI Caller

Stay at the forefront of AI Innovation.
Let AI answer the phone to free up time for yourself and your business.

Step into the Future - Book your Demo

What sets us apart?

How we keep it simple.

Trained on Australian Data with Dynamic Call Adaptation

Our pride comes from the fact that we are able to effectively reflect Australian nature in our agents - accents, slang, and voices we have it all. This ensures we are keeping up with Aussies and being able to better match their energy.
We also integrate adaptability into our agents - because what good is harnessing AI in an agent if it just sticks to a static script? We train our AI Agents to understand your exact desired outcome to ensure it achieves it at a much higher success rate.

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Handle Inbound and Outbound with Twilio, Connect with Zapier

With our seamless integrations, we cut out all the arduous data migration and software migration. We centralise everything to streamline onboarding ensuring you can set up your inbound receptionist or outbound call campaigns as fast as possible. Instantly connect your pre-existing CRM with our white labelled Zapier. Handle a high volume of calls simultaneously with Twilio integration.

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Unlimited Integrations
Zapier logo.Slack logo.

Elevating Efficiency: AI-Enhanced Customer Service

Embrace the modern solution for seamless customer interaction with our AI calling agent. It's not just a choice - it's an upgrade.

AI Calling Agent
  • Always on Duty
  • 24/7 Service
  • Expand and Grow with Ease
  • Updated to the Minute
  • $7.60 Hourly Cost*
*Cost can vary based on specific use case
Get Your AI Agent Today
Traditional Receptionist
  • Bound by the working hours
  • Limited Call Handling
  • Subject to personal availability
  • $40+ Hourly Cost
Get started today

The future of AI awaits.

Don't get left behind, take the leap into a future of automation and get ahead of your competition.
Book a discovery call with us so we can tailor make an AI powered solution that directly benefits your business, no cookie cutter approach here. We make sure you get exactly what you need.

  • Quick 30 minute Meeting
  • Free AI Audit
  • Tailor Made Service

Frequently asked questions

What is CFive?

CFive is an AI Automation Agency that leverages AI technology to provide customised solutions, including chatbots, booking systems, and automation tools, aiming to integrate seamlessly with businesses.

What does CFive offer?

CFive offers a wide range range of solutions from AI Calling Agents to initial AI Audits, ensuring no matter where you are - looking to start implementing AI or a novice in AI technology looking to expand and grow CFive is your partner in achieving your company's goals.

How secure is CFive?

CFive places a high priority on data security, treating it as a commitment to protect clients' digital assets with integrity and innovation.

How do I benefit by partnering with CFive?

Partnering with CFive allows businesses to scale efficiently, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer engagement through tailored AI solutions.

How do I know if CFive is the right fit for my company?

CFive is dedicated to assisting companies at any stage of growth by offering AI solutions that enhance operational efficiency, foster growth, and improve customer engagement. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, CFive's customised approach ensures that your business's unique needs are met with innovative solutions.

Can CFive's solutions integrate with my existing systems?

Yes absolutely. Our AI solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing business systems, enhancing efficiency without the need for extensive overhauls.